Xdialog Capture Comments

The Xdialog below ask for a name.

$ Xdialog --inputbox "Please enter your name:" 20 60

Note that the input from the Xdialog is printed on the terminal. Now let's try to capture that information into a file.

$ Xdialog --inputbox "Please enter your name:" 20 60 > myname

$ cat myname
Oops?! Note that the input from the Xdialog is STILL printed on the terminal, and the file is empty. Why? Because by default Xdialog writes to the standard error file. Solution: use the --stdout option for Xdialog.

$ Xdialog --stdout --inputbox "Please enter your name:" 20 60 > myname
$ cat myname
This is better. However it creates unnecessary files. We need to be able to transfer directly into a variable. The command substitution notation: $(cmd) along with assignment solves the problem.

$ name=$(Xdialog --stdout --inputbox "Please enter your name:" 20 60)
$ echo $name