ITFN 1201 - Foundations of Database Design

(Spring 2025: CRN 29530)

Printable Course Syllabus

Byron Jeff

Phone: 678-466-4411 (Please leave a voicemail)
Office: UC 338
Office hours (In person in my office, E-mail always available):
    MW 2:00 - 3:30 PM,
    R 1:00 - 2:00 PM,
    R 5:00 - 6:00 PM via Teams (please make appt.)

Note: the syllabus and schedule are subject to change.

Course Description (3-0-3)

Foundations of Database Design: This foundational course presents terminology, basic concepts, and applications of database processing including file organization and data structures. The course emphasizes database design using various modeling techniques; database implementation using the relational model, normalization, and SQL. Students will design, create and process a database to demonstrate competency in the course content.

Prerequisite(s): [WBIT 1100 (C) or ITFN 1101 (C)], MATH 1101 (C), ENGL 1101 (C),

Course Learning Objectives:

The BIT curriculum is built on nine core program outcomes. Successful completion of this course will contribute to the following subset of these nine outcomes. Graduates will demonstrate a Developing level of mastery for the following outcomes:

1) Use and apply current IT discipline-related concepts and practices.

2) Identify and analyze problems or opportunities in the IT realm and define requirements for addressing them when an IT Solution is appropriate.

3) Design and develop effective, IT-based solutions and integrate them into the user environment.

7) Collaborate in teams to accomplish common goals.

BIT Program Outcomes:

The BIT curriculum is built on nine core program outcomes. Successful completion of this course will contribute to the following subset of these nine outcomes. Graduates will demonstrate a Developing level of mastery for the following outcomes:

1) Use and apply current IT discipline-related concepts and practices.

2) Identify and analyze problems or opportunities in the IT realm and define requirements for addressing them when an IT Solution is appropriate.

3) Design and develop effective, IT-based solutions and integrate them into the user environment.

7) Collaborate in teams to accomplish common goals.


The University Description for the course details the prerequisite information for the course. Below is a summary.
ITFN 1101 with a minimum US grade of C
MATH 1101 (or higher) with a minimum US grade of C
ENGL 1101 with a minimum US grade of C

Meeting Times

Day of weekTimesCRNLocation
R 3:35-4:50 PM 29530UC 331

Class Email: (29530 R afternoon class)


Database Concepts, 9th Ed.

David Kroenke, David Auer, Pearson/Prentice Hall 2020

Companion Website:


You will have numerous opportunities to practice and demonstrate mastery of the materials covered in this course. It is up to you to keep current on all readings and assignments (including in-class announcements). *If you fall behind, you will most assuredly fail this course!*

Grading will be based upon the following scale:

A >= 90%
B 80% - 89%
C 70% - 79%
D 60% - 69%
F < 60%

Assignment weights are as follows:

AssignmentPortion of Grade
Final 30%
Three Monthly Tests 39% (13% for each of 3 tests given approximately once a month)
Review Quizzes 12%
Project Portfolio (see details below) 12%
D2L online Discussions (see details below) 7%

The final for this class is comprehensive. In addition the grade on the final can be used to redeem one *(and only one)* monthly test grade. So if your grade on the final is higher than your lowest monthly test grade, then that monthly test grade will be replaced with the grade from the final. This policy is designed to give a student the chance to improve one poor monthly test showing.

Partial credit may be given.

Course Topics

The list of course topics below will be presented in the order listed below. The listed exams are inserted following the likely coverage of the material that the exam will cover. Be aware that in class adjustments of both the material and the exam coverage may be made. Any adjustments superceeds the outline listed here. Exact test dates will be announced a minimum of one week before the actual exam.

Project Portfolio

Please read carefully!

A comprehensive student generated project portfolio must be submitted by each student on the specified date near the end of the semester. The portfolio consists of a number of required project elements coupled with additional project elements selected by the student. The portfolio will serve as the single grading instrument for the project portion of the course. The portfolio will be graded on the following elements:

Each element of the project portfolio will have a milestone/feedback deadline during the semester. Project elements that are substantively complete and correct (i.e. not perfect but mostly done) and turned in by the milestone/feedback deadline will receive feedback that the student may use to improve their project for the portfolio. However, any project element that is not submitted for feedback by the given deadline, or is not substantively complete/correct at that deadline will not receive credit for meeting the milestone/feedback deadline nor feedback incorporation element for that project element.

Active Feedback System

Soliciting and incorporating feedback is an essential element for success in the learning and development of technological systems. In order to encourage active student participation in the feedback process, this course implements an active feedback points system. The system is governed by the following rules:

Pictures/Recordings of Course Content in Lecture

The practice of students taking pictures of course content in class has become so prevalent that it now rises to the level of disruptive class behavior. While the instructor understands that students are attempting to reorganize course content such that it's easier for them to access offline, it triggers two levels of distraction in the classroom:

  1. The practice distracts the instructor who is in the process of trying to explain the course content.

  2. The practice distracts the student attempting to capture the image because that student is no longer focused on the course content, but with the process of trying to capture the image.

Because of these issues, this practice will be limited during lecture in the course in the following two ways:

  1. For course content that the student has access to, such as course slides, or project/discussion pages posted to D2L, students may only take pictures of that content from their own screens and not the projected lecture screen for the class.

  2. For handwritten course content on boards, or annotated slides, students may take pictures of the content off the board or projector when access is granted by the instructor.

Students are encouraged to share their notated board shots in the class discussion forum named "Class Notes and Board Shots" which can be a shortcut to each individual student needing to take their own shot of an image that has been shared.

University Attendance Policy

University Attendance Policy Students are expected to attend and participate in every class meeting. Instructors establish specific policies relating to absences in their courses and communicate these policies to the students through the course syllabi. Individual instructors, based upon the nature of the course, determine what effect excused and unexcused absences have in determining grades and upon students' ability to remain enrolled in their courses. The university reserves the right to determine that excessive absences, whether justified or not, are sufficient cause for institutional withdrawals or failing grades.

Course Attendance Policy

Your active participation in class is expected. Class attendance is expected because it's much easier to learn if you're participating in class and asking questions about things that confuse you.

Late Work Policy

Late work delays both the learning process and the feedback process. Project elements needs to be turned in a timely fashion. D2L assignment submissions for project elements will be closed 24 hours after the feedback deadline.

The instructor may waive late penalties if techical problems to homework submission occurs. In the event of technical difficulties:


Academic Honesty

As members of the academic community, students are expected to recognize and uphold standards of intellectual and academic integrity. The university assumes as a basic and minimum standard of conduct in academic matters that students be honest and that they submit for credit only the products of their own efforts. Both the ideals of scholarship and the need for fairness require that all dishonest work be rejected as a basis for academic credit. They also require that students refrain from any and all forms of dishonorable or unethical conduct related to their academic work. The policy represents a core value of the university, and all members of the university community are responsible for abiding by its tenets. Lack of knowledge of this policy is not an acceptable defense to any charge of academic dishonesty. All members of the academic community -- students, faculty, and staff -- are expected to report violations of these standards of academic conduct to the appropriate authorities. The procedures for such reporting are on file in the offices of the deans of each college, the office of the Dean of Students, and the Office of the Provost.

In an effort to foster an environment of academic integrity and to prevent academic dishonesty, students are expected to discuss with faculty the expectations regarding course assignments and standards of conduct. Students are encouraged to discuss freely with faculty, academic advisers, and other members of the university community any questions pertaining to the provisions of this policy. In addition, students are encouraged to avail themselves of programs in establishing personal standards and ethics offered through the University's Counseling Center.

Academic Dishonesty

Any student is found obtaining or granting inappropriate help in this course on any in-class graded assignment (test, quiz, exam) will subject to acadmic discipline. The offense will go on permanent record with the university. If this is not the student's first academic misconduct offense at CSU, he will be recommended for expulsion from the university. This is in full accord with CSU's policy, and we encourage you to read and review the university's policy in your student handbook.

So, it is permissible to do group work or work with a tutor or other instructors on outside work in this course that is to be turned in for a grade. However, remember that the objective is to gain understanding of the problem solving process and apply that understanding. Note that the majority of the course grade is done via an in-class assessment, which each student must do on their own work without assistance.

Academic discipline can range from a zero for the in-class assessment in question to expulusion from the University depending on the circumstances.

All alleged instances of acadmic misconduct will be referred to the Office of Student Affairs.

Artificial Intelligence Tools (ChatGPT et. al.)

Generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT, are designed to assist in creating and analyzing text, code, video, audio, and other multimedia. Use of these resources in your coursework comes with benefits and risks. In this course, the rules for AI usage are listed below. Any unapproved use within the course might be considered a breach of academic honesty. While exercising responsible and ethical engagement with AI is a skill you may hone over time, your unique human insights, critical thinking, and creative contributions remain pivotal to your learning experiences and success.

Health/Personal/Emotional Concerns

Students may experience stressors that can impact both their academic experience and their personal well-being. These may include academic pressure and challenges associated with relationships, mental health, alcohol or other drugs, identities, finances, etc.

If you are experiencing concerns, seeking help is a courageous thing to do for yourself and those who care about you. For personal concerns, CSU offers health and counseling services at no charge to you. You can schedule those services by calling 678-466-4940 or visiting the Health and Wellness Center located in Laker Village, Building 1000 (vehicular entrance off Harper Drive through Gate 5).

Hardship Withdrawal

Students who experience an unexpected event or circumstance beyond their control that directly interferes with their ability to continue to make satisfactory progress in classes, such as serious illnesses or unexpected major life events, may petition the Dean of their major for a hardship withdrawal from all classes. In order to be considered for a hardship withdrawal, the student must have been passing all courses at the time that the emergency or other hardship arose and notify his or her instructors or other University officials about the hardship situation as soon as possible after it arose (per University and BOR policy, passing is defined as a grade of D or above). Hardship requests that are not filed in a timely manner are subject to denial even if the student was passing and the hardship was legitimate. Students who attend any classes through the end of a term and complete all course requirements (i.e. final project or exam) are not eligible for hardship withdrawal. If you have taken a final exam in any of your courses, you may not request a hardship withdrawal. For more information go to:

Health and Safety Statement

Clayton State University is committed to providing and promoting a healthy and safe learning environment. Anyone who is feeling ill should refrain from coming to campus and should determine if a visit to a physician or clinic is necessary. Individuals on campus who choose to wear a face mask are free to do so at any time.

Computer Requirement:

Each CSU student is required to have "on demand access" throughout the semester to "an appropriate computing device" that meets faculty-approved hardware and software requirements for the student's academic program. Students will be required to sign a statement attesting to such access. For further information on CSU's Computer Devices Policy,

See for more information.

Library Syllabus Statement

The Clayton State Library provides services and resources to support your academic success not only in this course, but throughout your career at Clayton State and beyond. Each academic department has an assigned personal librarian who is knowledgeable about resources in that subject area. You are encouraged to contact your department's personal librarian to schedule a one-on-one consultation for help with any research assignments. You can also receive personalized research support through chat, email, phone, text, or in-person any time the library is open. You may also access online research guides, LibGuides, created by Clayton State Librarians directing you to the best resources in selected subject areas. All the information about these and other resources is available on the library's homepage. For further questions, contact the library using the information below:

Call: (678) 466-4346


Research Support:



Find your personal librarian:

Clayton State Library YouTube:

Disruption of the Learning Environment

Behavior which disrupts the teaching-learning process during class activities will not be tolerated. While a variety of behaviors can be disruptive in a classroom setting, more serious examples include belligerent, abusive, profane, and/or threatening behavior toward the instructor and/or other students in the class. A student who fails to respond to reasonable faculty direction regarding classroom behavior and/or behavior while participating in classroom activities may be dismissed from the class. A student who is dismissed from the class is entitled to due process and will be afforded such rights as soon as possible following dismissal, in collaboration with the Office of Community Standards. If found in violation, a student may be administratively withdrawn and may receive a grade of WF. More detailed examples of disruptive behavior are provided in the Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures sections of the Clayton State University Academic Catalog and Student Handbook.

Weapons on Campus

Clayton State University is committed to providing a safe environment for our students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Information on laws and policies regulating weapons on campus are available at

Disability Services

Individuals with disabilities who need to request accommodations should contact Disability Services You can contact them at 678-466-5445 or E-mail at . The Disability Services office is located in Edgewater Hall, Suite 255.