Course Topics
The list of course topics below will be presented in the order listed
below. The listed exams are inserted following the likely coverage of the material
that the exam will cover. Be aware that in class adjustments of both the
material and the exam coverage may be made. Any in class adjustments
superceeds the outline listed here. Exact test dates will be announced a
minimum of one week before the actual exam.
- PHP review and essential programming language constructs. (via online screencasts in Units)
- Introduction to PHP Database Objects (PDO)
- Project: Login validation using HTML Forms, PHP, and PDO
- Model/View/Controller (MVC) Frameworks
- Test #1: Mid September
- Using PHP/HTML Template Engines to implement MVC Frameworks in PHP/PDO
- Project: Web Application Implementation using Template Engines
- Introduction to Server Side Javascript and Node.js
- Test #2: Late October
- Google Voice Agent/DialogFlow Introduction
- Implementing Google Voice Actions using a Node.js backend
- Test #3: Tuesday November 19th, 2024
- Project: Google Voice Demo Development
- Final Exam: Tuesday December 3rd TIME: 2:45 PM