Math After College Does Matter

You may end up in a career that doesn't require much math. It's true, your boss may never walk into your office and say, "Quick, what's the Pythagorean Theorem?" but the math you're learning now is more than the sum of its parts. Math trains and disciplines your mind. Just as the point of reading books is not to memorize vocabulary words, the point of math is not to memorize formulas. Math helps you learn to:

  • Identify and analyze patterns.
  • Develop logic and critical thinking.
  • See relationships.
  • Solve real-world problems.

Will You Need It?

If you're not sure what you want to do after college, keep in mind that you might need math for your future job. If you already have a good idea of what you want to do, and it doesn't require much math, consider this: Most students switch majors after starting college. You might, too. Be prepared with the basics, and keep your options open for whatever path you may follow.

For fun: Why Math is Taught in School.

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