Unix for non-programmers

  - Obtaining an account

  - Logging in (get to the login prompt; usually by using the telnet 
     utility to sign on to a computer)

  - Upon logging on you will see a prompt (usually $ or %) which is 
     displayed by a special kind of program called a SHELL program.

  - To set your password, use the passwd command

  - Three popular shells: Bourne Shell, Korn Shell, C Shell
    All have common core functionality; some differences.

  - Each shell has its own programming language. (Shell programming).


Running Utilities

  - To run a utility, simply type the name of the utility after the

  - Some utilities: date, man, clear, stty, passwd
      Utility: date [yymmddhhmm[.ss]]
      Utility: clear
      Utility: man [-s section] word
               man -k keyword

  - To logout, enter CTRL-D


Special Characters

  - meta characters can be listed using the stty -a command

  - erase: CTRL-H, werase: CTRL-W, kill: CTRL-U, rprnt: CTRL-R
    intr: CTRL-C, suspend: CTRL-Z, stop: CTRL-S/CTRL-Q, eof: CTRL-D

Some common UNIX utilities

  - pwd
  - cat, more, page, head, tail
  - ls, cd
  - mv, cp, rm
  - mkdir, rmdir
  - file, wc, lp
  - vi, pico, emacs
  - groups, chgrp, chmod

  Pathnames: /home/raj/x.c
             . refers to current directory (example: ./a.out)
             .. refers to parent directory (example: ../p2.cpp)


$ cat > letter
Hi Mom,

Please send me money!

$ ls -l letter
-rw-r--r--   1 raj      other         38 May 28 11:20 letter 

Some common Unix commands

  $ ls -algFsdR 
  directory listing; a: hidden files, l: long listing, g: group
                     F: *, @, /, = after file name indicating
                        executable, link, directory, socket
                     s: num. disk blocks; d: dir details not contents
                     R: recursive listing

  $ cat file-spec-list
  list contents of file(s) on screen without pause

  $ more file-spec-list 
  same as cat; pauses after each screen -more-
  space bar takes you to next screen; q quit; enter next line
  h: help key for more commands


  $ page 
  same as more; clears screen before each page. quicker

  $ head -n file-spec 
  display n lines from front of file

  $ tail -n file-spec 
  display n lines from end of file

  $ mv -i old new
  $ mv -i file-spec dir
  $ mv -i dir dir 
  rename files (simply change labels in the file hierarchy)


  $ mkdir dname
  create a directory

  $ cd dir
  shell built-in; moves shell to a different directory

  $ pwd
  print working directory

  $ cp -i old new
  $ cp -i file-spec dir
  $ cp -ir file--spec dir
  copy files


  $ rmdir 
  delete directory

  $ rm -fir file-spec
  delete file (f: inhibits all prompts/messages; i: inquire; r: recursive)

  $ lp -d dest -n copies file-spec
  $ lpstat dest
  $ cancel request-id
  line printing commands

  $ wc -lwc file-spec


File Attributes

  46 -rw-r--r--   1 raj      other      23055 Nov 30  1998 paper.tex

  46           : num. of physical blocks
  -rw-r--r--   : file permissions; 
                 file type (- regular, d dir, b buffered file disk drive, 
                            c unbuffered file terminal, l link, p pipe, 
                            s socket)
  1            : hard link count
  raj          : file owner
  other        : file's group
  23055        : file size in bytes
  Nov 30  1998 : file modification date
  paper.tex    : file name

  $ file fname
  ascertains the type of file (ascii/binary etc.)


  When a process executes, it has
    - a real user ID
    - an effective user ID
    - a real group ID
    - an effective group ID

  When you log in, your login shell process has its 
    - real/effective user id set to your user id
    - real/effective group id set to your group id

  When a process runs, the file permissions apply as follows:
  - If process' effective user id = owner of file; User Privilege applies
  - If process' effective user id <> owner of file
    but its effective group id = filesgroup id; Group Privilege applies
  - Otherwise Other Privilege applies

  real user id is used for accounting purposes only


  Note: Process access rights depends on who executes the process NOT
        who owns the executable.

  This is undesirable sometimes; ex. game of rogue; file of best scores
    needs to be modified ONLY by rogue program process when player 
    ends game; NOT by players shells.

  Special feature: 2 special file permissions 
     set user ID (s instead of x)
     set group ID

  When an executable with set user ID is executed, the effective user ID
    of the process becomes that of the executable NOT of the players
    shell (Thereby allowing process to modify the best scores file)


  $ groups userid
  lists the groups a particular user belongs to

  $ chgrp -R gp-name file-spec
  change the group a file belongs to

  $ chmod -R XXX file-spec
  $ chmod -R g+w file-spec   
  $ chmod -R u-rw file-spec
  $ chmod -R u+w,g-r file-spec
  change file permissions; u,g,o,a  r,w,x,s 
  $ chown new-owner file-spec
  change owner of file (only super user can do this)

  $ newgrp group-name
  creates subshell with effective group id = group-name



  - Command mode vs Text Entry Mode
  - To enter text entry mode: use the following commands:
    to get back to command mode use ESC
  - line ranges: 1,$   1,.    .,$   .,.-2   5,12   .,.+12


Cursor Movement:

  uparrow, downarrow leftarrow rightarrow 
  ^  $
  w  b

Deleting Text:

  x   dw  dd   D   :d

Replacing text: 

  cc  (entire line)


Pasting text:

  : < range > y     (yank lines)
  :nnp   (after line nn)


  N  (opposite direction)


  :< range > s/sss/ttt/
  :< range > s/sss/ttt/g



  :w  < fname >
  : < range > w < fname >
  :e < fname >        edit new file

